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Store Hours & Policies

Store Hours & Policies

Store Hours During the School Year  

Monday 11:30am -3:30pm

Tuesday 11:30am -3:30pm

Thursday 11:30am -3:30pm

* hours are subject to change, please see below for changes to our schedule.


*Please note the following changes to our regular schedule for February

  • Monday, February 10 - closed

  • Monday, February 17 - closed

  • Thursday, February 20 - closed during the school day, but open for evening shopping from 5:00pm - 8:00pm


We do not offer refunds, only store credit or exchange with digital or physical receipt.    

On site pickup of orders is only available during store hours.


The Academy Store is the sole authorized vendor of CBA apparel and products. Any other retailer selling CBA is engaging in copyright infringement.



We can be reached at  732-747-1959 x 209  during store hours.                                        You can also message us, using the contact form below.